Harry Potter
Harry Potter


/*jshint browser:true jquery:true curly:false laxbreak:true smarttabs:true bitwise:false */

/*global mediaWiki UserTagsJS */


// MODULE: New Users

// Tags users who have not met a minimum threshold


// Editcount is broken (Sep-2012). It returns nonsense values.

// Using the Special:Editcount page is more flexible (namespace filtering) and accurate.

// Unfortunately, the AJAX is manual since Sledge can't handle non-queries.

// NOTE: Parse produces *localised* HTML so you get stuff like "<p>1,000\n</p>"


// By user request: We accept a custom computation function for this so that they can do

// stuff like "edits < 30 || days < 14 || (days < 7 && edits < 10)". Also transitively

// enables AND instead of just OR.


UserTagsJS.extensions.newuser = (function($, mw, Date) {

"use strict";

return {

start: function(config, username, logger/*, lang*/) {

// Anonymous users don't work with Special:Editcount, it returns blank

if (mw.util.isIPv4Address(username) || mw.util.isIPv6Address(username)) return;

// The 10/4 default matches Wikia's config for autoconfirmed

config = $.extend({ edits: 10, days: 4 }, config);

// Convert to a computation function if there isn't one

if (typeof(config.computation) !== 'function') {

var minEdits = config.edits | 0;

var minDays = config.days | 0;

// Sanity. Give up if both days and edits are zero.

if (minEdits < 1 && minDays < 1) return;

config.computation = function(days, edits) {

return days < minDays || edits < minEdits;



this._logger = logger;

// Our promises for the async data we need to do this calculation

var daysPromise = this._daysPromise = $.Deferred(),

 editsPromise = this._editsPromise = $.Deferred();

// Sanity, convert namespace string to number.

var namespace = config.namespace;

if (namespace && typeof(namespace) !== 'number') {

namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[namespace];

if (typeof(namespace) !== 'number') {

logger.err('Invalid namespace:', config.namespace);

namespace = null;



// Performance optimising the common case.

// In Oasis, with no namespace configuration, we can just scrape the DOM contributions

// counter instead of AJAXing which is WAY faster (especially since we're manually

// AJAXing instead of using Sledge)

if ((typeof(namespace) === 'number' && namespace === namespace) // n === n is false for NaN

|| ({oasis:1, wikia:1})[mw.config.get('skin')] !== 1

) {

this._doCustomAjax(username, namespace);

} else {

$($.proxy(this._onDomReady, this, username));


// Start the core AJAX if needed and return the promise to delay further

// processing until we're ready.

return {

ajax: {

type: 'contributions',

limit: 1,

dir: 'newer',

prop: ['timestamp']


promise: $.when(daysPromise, editsPromise).then(function(a, b) {

try {

return config.computation(a, b) && ['newuser'];

} catch(e) {

logger.err('Custom Computation function exploded!', e, e.stack);

return $.Deferred().reject();





_onDomReady: function(username, $) {

var $node = $('#UserProfileMasthead .masthead-info .tally > em');

if ($node.length) {

var num = $node.text().replace(/[^\d]/g, '');

if (num) {

return this._editsPromise.resolve(+num);


// WTF?

this._logger.err('Oasis masthead gave us junk instead of a number:', $node.text(), '(Falling back to AJAX)');

} else {

// Er... crap

this._logger.err('Cannot find Oasis masthead to scrape counter! Falling back to AJAX');


return this._doCustomAjax(username, null);


_doCustomAjax: function(username, namespace) {

// Construct the wikitext fragment to invoke the Special:Editcount pseudo-template

var text = '{{Special:Editcount/' + username;

if (typeof(namespace) === 'number') {

text += '/' + namespace;


text += '}}';

// Issue our AJAX to run the parser.

// I'm not using .then() as we need to wait for the generate() callback before

// we can actually issue a response.

var editsPromise = this._editsPromise, logger = this._logger;

this._selfajax = $.ajax({

url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),

data: {

action: 'parse',

format: 'json',

uselang: 'en', // Force English so we don't have to deal with non-English digit chars

text: text,

prop: 'text',

disablepp: 1 // Disable the preprocessor report (HTML comment at end)


dataType: 'json'


.done(function(json) {

if (json && json.parse && json.parse.text) {

var num = $(document.createElement('div')).html(json.parse.text['*']).text().replace(/[^\d]/g, '');

if (num) {





logger.err('Got a bad response from Special:Editcount:', json);



.fail(function(xhr, status, exception) {

logger.err('AJAX fail:', xhr.status, status, exception);





generate: function(json) {

json = json.query.usercontribs[0];

if (!json) return this.generateFailed();

// Calculate days since their oldest (i.e. first) edit was made

this._daysPromise.resolve((Date.now() - Date.parseISO8601(json.timestamp)) / 864e5);


generateFailed: function() {

if (this._selfajax) this._selfajax.abort();




})(jQuery, mediaWiki, Date);


